Trade with Precision.
Access Alpha: Coinsquare's Institutional-grade Advantage
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Who we serve.
● Trading Firms
● Crypto native businesses
● Investment firms
● Private clients
● Investment advisors
● Asset managers
● Family offices
Institutional-grade Products Built for Canadians.
OTC Services with Comprehensive Asset Coverage.
Coinsquare Alpha’s OTC services now includes non-custodial trading of more L1s, tokens and NFTs via voice and chat trading, providing more opportunities for portfolio diversification and access to trade new categories of assets.
Tailored services
Precision Spot Trading with API Connectivity.
Seamlessly trade between 53 assets and over 1300 trading pairs using Coinsquare's Request for Quote(RFQ) or our 24/7 API connectivity.
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Bespoke Custody.
Secure your assets with bespoke custody solutions from leading custodians, featuring multi-signature security with direct control and single name ownership of segregated custody accounts.
Your Way
Staking for institutions.
A straightforward approach to manage and oversee staked assets, tailored to the needs of professional teams. Staked assets remain in the care of our custodian partners while accruing validation returns. Staking fee rebates are available for larger staking commitments.
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Secure access to CCML private liquidity for seamless transactions.
Direct control of segregated assets through insured Custodian.
Bespoke trading services tailored to professional traders.
Access trading on our platform via a secure and performant API.
Leverage Canada’s oldest continuously operating Crypto Trading Platform.
Regulatory Compliance and Security.
Coinsquare Capital Markets Ltd. (CCML) sets the standard as Canada's first crypto-native trading platform registered as a Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) investment dealer and marketplace. Client cash held on platform is covered by the Canadian Investment Protection Fund (CIPF) up to $1 million CAD per client account.
Secure Custody Services.
We prioritize your trust, partnering with qualified custodians like Coinbase Custody Trust Company, BitGo Trust Company, and Tetra Trust to safeguard assets.
Breadth of choice.
53 assets and over 1300 trading pairs via the Coinsquare platform, with the addition of non-custodial trading of additional asset via our OTC service.